
Ocho de Mayo

Stupid Burrito

OK, I’m a little late to the party. Sorry, I am new to this whole blogging thing. I did do all of this on May 5th if it makes you feel any better. How about some left over stuff that we can make into burritos? I just so happen to have some Citrus Pork in the fridge, along with some Mac and Cheese (you remember that blog). We will still make some guacamole and margaritas from scratch.

So, I have a friend. He is someone who has taught me a lot when it comes to cooking and is a person that is very close to my heart. We were sous chefs together back in the day. Let’s just call him Raffa. Mi hermano. Let the judgement from Raffa begin.

Let the judgement from Raffa begin.

Ivan Szilak


2 ea avocado
3 ea medium size vine ripe tomatoes
1 ea Vidalia Onion
1 bunch Cilantro (20 - 30 sprigs)
1 ea Jalapeño (optional, my wife is a wimp)
2 ea Lime
1 tbs Kosher Salt (start with that, I always add more)

This is not your average Guacamole. It is not that puréed stuff you usually see. I am not a fan of that. Prep everything except for the avocados. Do those last. I fine dice the onion first. I always use sweet onions (the others tend to be too spicy for me, and I love sweet onions!). Do a fine dice on this (to me this means 1/8 x 1/8 x 1/8 of an inch). You can do bigger if you would like. Then dice the tomatoes (I do 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4 inch on these). Chiffonade the cilantro. The more you run a knife through the cilantro the more it is going to smell and taste like grass. So stop killing your cilantro. Jalapeño, fine dice (like the onions). Now that you have all of that in a bowl it is time for the avocados. Dice them 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2, as best you can. Just don’t make them too small. Now squeeze the lime juice over the avocados. Add the salt on top of that. Now mix. Do not smash! That will happen anyway. Taste with tortilla chip, or spoon if you must. You might need to add more salt.

A while back there was a evening when Raffa showed me how to make guacamole and margaritas. Probably not on the same day, but this will work for blog purposes. Raffa befriended me during a time when I was trying to find my way in the restaurant world. I was at a crossroads between being a hard core line dog and slinging wine for a living. He always has a energy about him. An energy that made us all want to be better at our lives. I have and always will admire that about him. He is probably sitting at home reading this, and yelling at the screen of his computer or phone, “Chango, that is not what I showed you!” Raffa, sit back and relax. Enjoy the ideas Raffa, it will be OK.

Margaritas (Ivan's way)

1.5 oz Tequila (use your favorite)
.5 oz Grand Marnier (or some sort of orange liqueur)
.5 St-Germain (optional)
.5 ea Lime
1 ea Naval Orange
Soda Water as needed

I take the first three ingredients (all of the alcohol) and mix them all together, usually in a triple batch. Who has just one margarita? Place the mixture in the freezer, this way it doesn’t melt the ice as fast later on. Leave it in there for about an hour. Juice one half of a lime and a whole naval orange. Put all in a shaker with ice with the tequila mixture. Shake, shake, shake. Pour into a salted rimmed glass if you like. Top with soda water. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Alright, now that we got the drinks and the munchies out of the way, let’s snack on the patio for a bit.

OK, now on to the burritos! Wait, I didn’t give you the pork recipe yet. Uuuhhhgggg! Ok, fine. You will have to make this ahead of time. I do a double batch and freeze it just so I have some on hand when I need it. Oh, by the way zip lock bags are my jam. Love them. I am starting to transfer over to the vacuum pack bags (not completely there yet).

Citrus Pork

2 lbs Pork Butt
1 tbs Kosher Salt
1 tsp Toasted and Ground Cumin
.5 tsp Toasted and Ground Coriander
.5 tsp Fresh Ground Black Pepper
2 ea Naval Oranges
2 ea Limes
10 ea Garlic Cloves
4 oz Pork Fat

Cut pork butt into 2 inch cubes. Season with salt, cumin, coriander, and pepper. Place in a zip lock bag. Squeeze the juice from the oranges and the limes (save the rinds for later) into the bag. Add the garlic and the pork fat. Push all of the air out of the zip lock bag and seal it. Now this is where it gets fancy. Cook with a thermal circulator at 155 degrees for 24 hours. After this is complete, add the citrus rinds back to the mix and place in a oven proof skillet. At this point I put all of it in a smoker at 250 degrees for about 1 - 2 hours. Depending how much time you have to kill. Now the pork is ready to be used, or cooled and reserved for later.

Mac and Cheese, that can be found in the “Killer Mac” blog here.

Can we finally build the Burritos now?

2 ea 10 inch Tortillas
6 oz Citrus Pork
6 oz Mac and Cheese
2 oz Shredded Mild Cheddar

Reheat both the pork and and the Mac in the oven at 350 degrees. Two separate pans. Add a little milk to break up the Mac, and a little olive oil to help the pork along. Once both reach about 150 degrees you are ready to go.

Heat tortillas on a flat top or in a non stick pan. Place pork down first, then Mac, then shredded cheese. Fold and roll burrito. Place back on flat top or pan to sear, and heat through.

Serve with the fresh Guacamole and sour cream.

Love it!! Don’t forget to make yourself another margarita. You deserve it.

OK Raffa, you can yell at me now. Love ya man.

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